How to change brake fluid? How to do a brake fluid change?
What’s the difference between brake fluid and power steering fluid?
They are made of different substances and have different purposes. Their viscosities are specifically adapted to each system, brake fluid to the brake system and power steering fluid to the steering system. The elastomers used in these systems are tailored to these special fluids and would be damaged in case of misuse. They should never be mixed.
What is power steering fluid used for?
Power steering fluid is a hydraulic fluid used in the steering system. The fluid runs through the power steering pump, which pushes the power steering fluid to help you turn the steering wheel.
How to add power steering fluid?
Locate the power steering fluid reservoir. It is usually on or near the engine in the engine compartment, and may be plastic. Wipe the reservoir with a clean cloth to check the fill level. There is no steering fluid consumption. The level should be between the Max and the MIN mark on the reservoir. If the fluid level is under the MIN mark, there may be a leak in the system. Please see a qualified mechanic. To keep your steering system in good condition, you should change the fluid occasionally. The steering system is a major safety feature of your car. Only qualified mechanics should work on it. Ask for TotalEnergies products, such as TOTAL FLUIDE LDS, FLUIDE DA or LHM PLUS.