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Laura - Digital Solutions Manager

Laura is our Digital Solutions Manager, responsible for leading the digital development squads in Aberdeen to develop apps and tools that solve challenges the company is facing.

Watch her video below to find out more about her career journey at TotalEnergies - from starting in mechanical engineering, to working in logistics and project management, and now in digital.


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Laura Aldren, Digital Solutions Manager, Career Journey


My role is to lead the digital development squads to solve business problems.

I really enjoy the diversity of the role. I learn something new absolutely every single day. I also love working with a variety of very different people. They challenge my own viewpoints which enables me to continuously grow myself.

What I also really love is that digital is a continuously changing ecosystem so we’re always learning something new and pushing the boundaries of what we can do.

Within the team we’ve got a real mix of digital products and solutions so we cover a huge variety of different areas that could be from CO2 monitoring for example, through to an application that we brought in that monitors diabetes for the offshore workforce.

We’ve got tools that look at production efficiency and optimisation. We’ve got tools that look at well integrity and flag when there’s going to be issues. And then we’ve got more bleeding edge products that are coming to the forefront now that are starting to warn us early of issues on our platforms.

The digital team is actually a really diverse range of skills. We have everybody from developers, data engineers, data scientists – people that you would probably really expect to be embedded in a digital team – through to having engineers. For example, I, myself, started life as a mechanical engineer. And it’s really important for us to have that mix and that balance because we really need the technical, digital skills combined with somebody who really understands the business and can translate between the business and digital to come up with products that respond to end users’ needs.

I studied mechanical engineering with French which is maybe a little bit of a strange combination and then the opportunity came up at TotalEnergies and I thought I would be a really good fit because I already had French elements. I started life as a mechanical engineer. I then moved into logistics and did project management and now I’m in the digital realm. So I hope that my career shows that there are many different possibilities and many different pathways with a variety of options.

Text on screen: Pushing boundaries. Embracing innovation.