
Fit for the Future: TotalEnergies launches new sustainability award scheme for independent workshops

We know that becoming more sustainable is a challenge for the automotive industry, particularly in today’s economic and political climate. But we also know that workshops are under great pressure to make progress, both to ensure their business remains resilient and sustainable and to meet the changing needs of customers, many of whom are willing to pay more for products and services that reduce the environmental footprint of motoring (click here to explore further research on this).


Fit for the Future prize

We want to play our part in supporting workshops rising to this challenge and to shine a spotlight on the important contribution they are making to sustainable mobility. That’s whyTotalEnergies UK has launched a new award scheme championing the sustainability initiatives of independent workshops in the UK.

Searching high and low across the UK, the Fit for the Future award will showcase the best examples of independent workshops who are taking innovative steps in their sustainability journey, leading by example, and providing inspiration for those across the aftermarket supply chain.


Listen to TotalEnergies UK Business Development Manager discussing Fit for the Future with PMM editor Kieran Nee



Examples might include: 

  • Transitioning to buying products with strong environmental credentials such as recyclable packaging 
  • Expanding services and upskilling teams to handle alternative fuelled vehicles 
  • Incorporating smart recycling or waste management schemes into business operations 
  • Introducing value add services such as electric car charging points or battery swap services 
  • Improving the environmental footprint of workshops with on-site renewables generation or habitat / wildlife restoration  
  • Providing new and improve recommendations and solutions to vehicle owning customers to help them reduce the environmental impact of motoring 




Entry and prize details

Those who are shortlisted are in with a chance to choose from our selection of prize packages worth £5,000, including items such as EV training and a full energy usage and performance audit,  to help continue to help their business on the journey towards net zero.

Entry is completely free, and entrants can nominate their own workshop or be nominated by their local motor factor or reseller. Winners will be contacted by TotalEnergies UK and announced in December 2023.

Enter or nominate before 30th November to also be included in a prize draw to win tickets to Formula E London 2024 – regardless of shortlisting for the main prize.




If you have any questions about Fit for the Future, or about how TotalEnergies products and services are helping independent workshops then contact our team for more information.